Christchurch Folk Music Club

Cam Ye Oér By Bus?

By Vic McDonald, New Edinburgh Folk Club

They came frae the north, the bogs and the moors
attacking the heartland as oft times before
They came armed with guitars, accordions and more
and one had an organ and played it full sore

It became with a banquet of beasts freshly slain
and cooked on the platform where folks catch the train
and when hosts and raiders were fed and replete,
why then said their leaders,” now take to your seats”

So all sat and listened as they sallied forth,
a singin’ and playin’ for all they were worth
And first twas the Bantams – an opera well led
by David the Hart helped by Sue and Big Red

And when they had finished their jaunty wee songs,
the Harts they withdrew but Sweet Sue, she stayed on
A song of a bike ride played on Barkman the One,
I smelled the salt sea, I laughed in the sun

Then Philip played nicely with voice sweet and true
and played for the host a wee number or two
Then joined by a lady whose name I forget,
but good vocal style, it stays with me yet

And then was the audience totally destroyed
by the organ, afore-mentioned, and John Sanchez- Lloyd
He played and sang so well that you may be sure,
men, women and kinder were howling for more

So after a drink stop we looked to the floor
to see if these Raiders could come up with more
Up stepped a lean Scotsman, we knew he could do it,
he plays lovely music does that Davy Stewart

A beautiful ballad of love that was gone
and one of a place where the people moved on
And then some flat picking, a jig, a strathspey,
better than he looks, some people might say

Then T. Kiesonowski or Tony to you,
played us some blues songs and joined by our Sue
Then one he had written that blows us away,
Coming down from Paradise on a diamond- hard day

How could they finish ? they’d all played so well,
with a superstar songstress, Isabella Miller-Bell
With Sue Grant on guitar she launched into song
and easily carried the audience along

And then all these Raiders assembled as one,
their final finale was finally begun
“Will the circle be broken?” they asked us in song,
“Hell no!” we replied, as we all sang along

And so it was ended and everyone left,
the Station, as usual, of people bereft
As our friends all returned to their swamp on the plain,
we can’t wait for the time when we see them again

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